Welcome to the WEAVE Automated Submission Platform (WASP) at CASU
The WASP is a file authentication and survey management platform for the WEAVE spectrograph at the WHT. WASP provides the validation layer for:
This platform is designed to act as the interface between WEAVE users and the Operations team during the trimesterly cycle of observation preparations. Because the WASP manages the timetable for WEAVE's observation cycle, users are provided with tools to manage their target and OB submissions. These include:
In order to submit data you need a username and password. If you don't have one please contact your survey PI. If you are the PI of your survey, please contact CASU!
Please note that access to this facility is limited to certain members of the WEAVE consortium and external observers awarded time on the WEAVE instrument. In the latter instance, you should receive an automated email with your login details.